Heart Aerospace
Heart Aerospace is a Swedish start-up that makes electric aircraft for regional air travel. Heart’s first aircraft is the ES-19, an all-electric nineteen-seater airliner with a range of 400 km.
Explore startups and scaleups contributing to a more sustainable future on the Swedish Climate Startup Map. This comprehensive Map features a wide-range of companies developing innovative solutions across numerous sectors.
Climate startups and scaleups
Heart Aerospace is a Swedish start-up that makes electric aircraft for regional air travel. Heart’s first aircraft is the ES-19, an all-electric nineteen-seater airliner with a range of 400 km.
Smart traffic sensors power smart cities. We provide real time AI traffic insights for all road users including vehicles and pedestrians.
Easyserv develop smart systems that effectively make use of the flexibility that is currently unused in every villa and property. Easyserv’s knowledge and experience provides the opportunity for smart consumption flexibility and power balancing.
Midsummer is a Swedish solar energy company that installs solar roofs manufactured in Järfälla with a 90% lower carbon footprint than traditional solar panels. We own the entire value chain from development and production to installation.
Improvin’ is a climate performance platform helping agri-food companies measure, report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their own value chain. At scale.
E-Watercraft develops and manufactures world-unique and fully electric, ultra-light and safer watercraft. The vision is to create an environmentally better alternative, with the safety solutions found in the modern car and aviation industry.
INNOVENTUM has developed two hybrid systems that produce renewable energy from both sun and wind. The solar and wind power package is the hybrid system DALI PowerTower, and its other hybrid solution is GIRAFFE, which has won great prizes over the years.
Sellpy lets users and sellers to consume second hand clothing, whereas the pieces unsold will be either reused or donated to charity.
We develop two products for the lighting industry. A renewable wax from pine oil to replace fossil paraffin wax and a new material that can replace aluminium, plastic and glass in various applications.
Svenska Aerogel manufactures and commercializes the mesoporous material Quartzene®. Our business concept is to meet the market’s need for new materials that are in line with global sustainability objectives.
Simply No Waste aims to solve nutritional deficiencies by elevating food ingredients and nutraceuticals from food waste streams using modern extraction technologies to extract natural micro-nutrients and bioactive compounds.
One wash with bio-RESTORE laundry powder allows consumers to restore old/worn looking clothing to new in their home laundry machine. Sustainable science based solutions for The Fashion Industry & Lifestyle Lifecycle problems.
Creturner is an environmental technology company that converts biomass into biochar, thereby reducing Co2 in the atmosphere. We are also working on technology development with the aim of breaking down carbon dioxide into solid carbon and oxygen gas.
We make emobility smarter and more accessible for everyone and want to solve the infrastructural energy challenges the world is facing by new AI-enhanced products services and business models.
Pallkonsulten are specialists in flow optimization and handling of load carriers, pallets and special packaging and we are driven by partnerships with a focus on ecological and financial sustainability.
Nodon find and calculate construction solutions that suit your project. By comparing the emissions from different construction alternatives, climate-smart choices can be made at an early stage and throughout the entire construction process.
Planboo offers a transparent and affordable way to remove your company’s CO2 emissions through the planting of bamboo. Reach Net Zero restore degraded land and empower communities in the Global South.
Xenergic is developing energy efficient cache memory solutions. A technology intended to reduce electricity consumption by more than half in certain types of memory circuits, with the aim of prolonging battery life in connected products.
We develop apps with a focus on gamification social innovation and sustainability. Our way of working with sustainability is to prioritize projects that have a positive impact on society.
ConcretePrint’s business concept is to develop 3D printers for additive printing of concrete structures. The printers are designed to be mobile when it’s moved from each construction site to the next and can be used in a fixed installation.
The Swedish Climate Startup Map provides a comprehensive selection of categories to facilitate the search for startups and scaleups. These categories cover sector, enabling technology, Sustainable Development Goals, type, team size, turnover, location, incubator and founding year.
Solutions for the production and processing of food, crop cultivation and animal husbandry, and innovations to the forestry industry.
Technologies to capture and store carbon dioxide from the air or exhaust gas for utilization or storage.
Solutions to improve the construction and building process, and services related to the maintenance and upkeep of existing buildings.
Solutions to promote energy efficiency, smarter grid systems and energy storage.
Solutions to optimize resource utilization and enhance environmental values.
New and/or improved innovations to manufacturing processes or products.
Solutions that enhance efficient transportation such as carpooling, improved vehicles, as well as solutions supporting infrastructure for transportation such as charging infrastructure.
Solutions for the end-of-life treatment for materials not suitable for reuse.
Solutions for the production of renewable energy or supporting renewable energy solutions.
Materials designed to be more sustainable than competing products or used to create more sustainable applications (e.g. due to lighter weight).
Solutions to improve water management, from manufacturing to daily use or irrigation, as well as wastewater management.
Solutions that are not contained in any of the previous sectors.
Utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning for enhancing sustainability.
Automated processes for improved efficiency.
Distributed ledger technology and its applications for a decentralized web.
Alternatives to traditional business models such as sharing and leasing that enhance a more circular economy.
Information and data sharing structures to enhance sustainability.
Innovative funding mechanisms to support sustainable initiatives.
Development of new products to meet market demands.
Optimization of industry production through advanced technologies.
Solutions that enable a more sustainable way of life, such as improved grids, charging stations, and induction roads.
Integration of smart technology to manage appliances more sustainable.
Providing software, products, and services as a subscription rather than ownership.
Solutions to drive behavioural change towards sustainability.
Enabling environmental sustainability through other options than those mentioned above, e.g. combining offerings in innovative ways, developing new systems or creating alternative food products.
Companies that focus on providing products or services to other businesses.
Companies that focus on providing products or services directly to consumers.
Companies that focus on providing products or services to government agencies and public sector organizations.
Solutions designed to have a positive sustainability impact in developing countries.
Emergent from a research context
Companies with at least one female co-founder
Verified solutions with high sustainability impact
Founded within the last two years
Companies with turnover surpassing 20MSEK