Our commitment is to empowering enterprises with renewable energy and increase the efficiency in energy consumption and -resources. We are seamlessly integrating advanced energy technology, overseeing all energy resources with unparalleled precision

Panter is a digital return system enabling and ensuring the rotation of reusable packaging. For the guests, it’s like a library. For the restaurant it’s packaging as a service, subscription-based. Compliance and climate impact guaranteed.

Rebaba upcycles spent electric vehicle batteries into Second Life Battery Energy Storage Systems that allow for energy cost savings, increased renewable energy integration and with much lower carbon emissions.

Lignoflow has developed a patent-pending technology for the processing of lignin to produce scalable bio-based materials for a sustainable future. Lignoflow Technologies AB is a spin-off company from Stockholm University.

We empower the much needed sustainability transition in small and medium sized companies, by offering a digital sustainability manager. Our tool helps companies set sustainability visions, goals and targets that are relevant for the company.

Our product, Norrsken, enables consumers to contribute to a better whole that was previously unthinkable. With the Northern Lights in your home, you become an active part of the electricity grid.

Angry Camel is a leading provider of high-functional premium chickpea protein isolate optimized through a clean extraction process.

QLEANTAB makes every day products that do less harm, to us and our planet. We’ve started with provably eco-friendly, sustainbly made cleaning products for home and commercial use.

KOASTAL supports fishermen and sea enthusiasts with the cultivation of seaweed. This enables farmers to faster and more efficiently establish new and profitable farming units.

Our nuclear annihilation energy generation technology presents a clean solution. It has the potential to replace all fossil fuels within 20 years, without radiation or waste problems by using hydrogen.