Sustainable products designed for the little ones. Our products are Organic, GOTS, fair trade, eco-friendly, biodegradable, vegan or made from FSC wood and paper. Completely non-toxic.
Vividye now introduces a new textile print technology that actually makes the print removable without putting too much strain on the textile fiber – and therefore makes new use of the garment possible.
Stella provides access to clean and reliable energy to hospitals. Its a matter of justice. Accessability is about business innovation, having a capable infrastructure roll-out and possessing knowledge within robust and reliable technology.
We offer smart city deliveries in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. By bicycle, we deliver faster, more efficiently and greener than the traditional van.
ClowID is a unique end to end Customer Engagement Management platform. Digitalise and optimise the purchase process with an efficient, ethical and sustainable solution.
We close the textile cycles with the help of efficient upcycling to reduce your company’s footprint on the planet. You don’t have to have your own textiles to upcycle. Our basic products can be branded with your logo and your message!
Omniloop is an underground tube-based system for delivering goods and packages to, and waste and recycling from, households in cities. Two patents are granted and several pending.
Energy efficiency and monitoring platform for green hydrogen projects