Enabling new potato varieties by editing the potato genome to add environmental and/or health benefits using our unique modern plant breeding method. We provide plant breeding as a service to others in the potato buisness area.
Renasens AB develops and demonstrates a waterless technology to recover fibers from blended textile wastes without their depolymerisation or degradation while mitigating the microplastic release.
We prolong the shelf life by 3-7 times for fruit and vegetables with a sustainable coating. We reducing food waste, the need for refrigeration and plastic packaging. The coating is antimicrobial and creates a barrier to keep the produce fresh.
Cresponix is a patented technology that enables sustainable feed production and good animal welfare in land-based farming of fish and shrimp, while being completely waste-free and reducing production costs by 20%.
LEVTEK combines product design, robotics and machine learning to develop new types of light electric vehicles for new user groups and applications. We aim to replace the car for many everyday trips as well as in many commercial use cases.
n-ink provides high-performing, scalable conductive polymers that boost battery and solar cell performance to provide solutions for the electrification of the future.
Re:meat has the mission to help save our planet by redefining how meat ends up on our plates. Re:meat is catalyzing large scale production of cultivated meat by introducing a novel process system IP allowing for radically lower production costs.
By 2050 we will face an over 50% increase in food demand, this meanwile slimate change will severely impact agricultural productivity. OlsAro works with AI enabled climate adaption of crops – for a resilient agriculture and food security
Lignin Industries has a patented revolutionary technology of transforming lignin, the most abundant unused biopolymer on earth, into a renewable and functional biomaterial replacing fossil-based plastics and thereby reducing CO2 emissions radically.
We at Valys enable water treatment plants and environmental agencies to streamline their processes through our by offering advanced, real-time analysis of water quality.