Our innovative charging solution enables multiples EVs to share a centralized charging unit where only a charging socket is located at each parking bay. This enables discrete, power efficient and sustainable EV charging.

Heart Aerospace is a Swedish start-up that makes electric aircraft for regional air travel. Heart’s first aircraft is the ES-19, an all-electric nineteen-seater airliner with a range of 400 km.

Waybler offers a unique solution in electric car charging. We offer all steps in the chain, from our own Swedish-made charging box to our patent-pending, cloud-controlled load balancing as well as digital tools for administration and use.

We make emobility smarter and more accessible for everyone and want to solve the infrastructural energy challenges the world is facing by new AI-enhanced products services and business models.

A solar hybrid is a smart concept solution for energy optimization. The concept consists of a cold solar panel connected to a geothermal heat pump. A solar hybrid produces both electricity and heat and gives a good return for many years to come.

SeaTwirl’s work with offshore floating wind. The unique floating wind turbine is simple and robust and has few moving parts. This suits the conditions at sea and minimizes the need for maintenance, leading to less downtime and more operating hours.

At Sticky our vision is to contribute to solar PV arrays on every roof in every country. The Tape Solution™ is a novel interconnection and string production technology that enables competitive and high-efficiency solar PV manufacturing.

Anolytech wants to create a sustainable society. By providing an effective and environmentally friendly disinfection technology, we help our customers fight bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

At Flow Below AB we use temperature sensors to map inflow and infiltration. A service in which the result is a map of the pipe network where the customer can see the main sources of supplemental water.

3E flow works by drawing water out of the pipe when a tap is turned off, returning it to the tank or heat exchanger, leaving an empty pipe. The instant a tap is opened water is delivered directly to the tap.