Hooked is an impact startup developing plant-based seafood to lead the transition to a healthier seafood ecosystem by serving delicious plant-based seafood for everyone to enjoy.
Cleantech as a Service. lowering the threshold for solar energy. Swede Solar builds, owns, finances and is responsible for all ongoing operations. The solar power plant is placed on the customer’s property or another suitable location
Tempiro offers an installation with smart fuses providing cloud control of electric heating hot water and other appliances.
This allows integration to grid owners reducing load when there is lack of power generation.
Greenely is the smart digital energy company that helps you to reduce energy consumption and save money. With the Greenely app, you have the power. You get updates with your energy usage with hourly resolution.
Convert your waste heat into electrical energy with ORC systems. You lower your electricity costs while contributing to a more sustainable energy system.
We offer Sweden’s greenest car pool and vehicle pool. A complete solution where we take care of all administration and operation. We provide booking systems and help with planning and installation of charging stations and other infrastructure.
Metry digitises energy data and helps real estate companies become more energy efficient. Collect data from your utility company, your smart meters or your regular meters and send the data to the system of your choice.
Brick is a Stockholm-based network for power bank-sharing that allows users to pick up a charger in one location and return it to another. In other words, making “running out of battery” a thing of the past.
Superkons provides waterless powder concentrates for everyday products like hand & body wash, & cleaners to eliminate single-use plastics which are housed by probiotics to protect and significantly improve your homes & bodies.
Our insurances create maximum security and make more people dare to take the step to consume more sustainably, whether it’s renting a car or buying a used phone.