We challenge the ventilation industry! We help property owners save energy with smart installations and sustainable solutions. With ENCY’s fans, you can save up to 45% on heating costs and up to 30% on your cooling costs. Tonnes of CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere, annually. We are resetting climate change using algae and biomasse, removing carbon from the atmosphere and binding it to the seabed.

Millow has developed a unique, patented, sustainable production technology for mycelium/plant-based food which easily scales in production. Based on the research of Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh www.taherzadeh.se from the University of Borås.

Blue Biopower AB frigör molekylkraft och producerar hållbar elektricitet hos lantbrukare genom egenutvecklade mikrokraftverk. Överskottsel kan levereras ut på stamnätet och ger lantbrukaren en extra inkomstkälla.

Small scale plants for liquid biogas. The solution is spelled CryoSep, container-based solutions to get you started with your own production of liquid biogas and carbon dioxide.

The SWESTEP technology delivers a capital-efficient and profitable solution that produce renewable fuels, sustainable liquids and raw material alternatives.

Optibinary offers a tailormade and smart cardboard solution for all your deliveries. The patented technology creates a more resource effecient e-commerce by optimizing the usage of both material and logistics

Omniloop is an underground tube-based system for delivering goods and packages to, and waste and recycling from, households in cities. Two patents are granted and several pending.

NSS Water has a new technology for producing nanopure water, a water free of smallest nano contamination. This water is used in semiconductor manufacturing.