One wash with bio-RESTORE laundry powder allows consumers to restore old/worn looking clothing to new in their home laundry machine. Sustainable science based solutions for The Fashion Industry & Lifestyle Lifecycle problems.

At Flow Below AB we use temperature sensors to map inflow and infiltration. A service in which the result is a map of the pipe network where the customer can see the main sources of supplemental water.

Flexiwaggon take freight transport from the highway to the railway and enable cost reductions and improve sustainability for the transport industry. It enables lorries, buses, cars and containers to be transported on the same wagon.

Cellfion manufactures and commercializes bio-based membranes and ionomers for electrochemical devices i.e. Fuel cells and Redox Flow Batteries. Our material enables the technologies of tomorrow to become more sustainable, affordable and accessible.

Compular leads material development into the digital era. With its novel simulation software, the company enables battery developers to become more efficient and innovative by predicting the material properties of new chemical compositions.

We help farmers be more sustainable in their irrigation process. Our unique technology helps them save up to 50% of water while increasing crop production by up to 40% while helping them take data-driven decisions.

Geothermal energy utility company working with geothermal fields for electricity production, power heating, mining from brine water, production of green hydrogen and permanent CO2-storage.

Sakofall Energi is an enabler of solar parks in Central Sweden with a focus on Västerbergslagen. We locate attractive land and make it ready for construction “RTB, ready-to-build”.

Energy resources of all sizes – from EVs to large battery parks – use Fever’s platform and APIs to provide and monetize flexibility, enabling a grid powered by renewable energy.

Millow has developed a unique, patented, sustainable production technology for mycelium/plant-based food which easily scales in production. Based on the research of Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh from the University of Borås.