Our product, Norrsken, enables consumers to contribute to a better whole that was previously unthinkable. With the Northern Lights in your home, you become an active part of the electricity grid.
A significant part of transport emissions during the winter season comes from traditional snowmobiles. This is not sustainable and that is why we’re on a mission to develop and provide the market with highly attractive and sustainable alternatives.
Cyclothe offers a circular solution focusing on textile waste. Cyclothe’s technology prolongs the lifespan of garments through collection and AI-driven sorting systems to promote circularity and sustainability in the textile industry.
We design and supply decentralised, nature-based wastewater treatment systems.
We are Sea Water Desalination company with a unique process that uses 50% less energy consumption than current market solutions today.
A biomimetic solution to Carbon Capture. We are developing a novel enzyme, Carbonic Anhydrase, which acts as a biocatalyst to accelerate CO2 absorption and reduce energy consumption for post-combustion CCUS.
Re:Lab team has developed over a decennium a circular solution for the life science research laboratory plasticware. We convert mixed laboratory research plasticware, via syngas into renewable hydrogen and carbon without emission.
NYZÜs goal is to modify crops to grow faster and increase biomass production for indoor agriculture by utilizing the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Providing humankind with the crops of the future and making food production sustainable.
Ocean Harvesting is a privately held company with offices in Karlskrona and Gothenburg, Sweden. After years of research within the wave energy sector, the company started in 2017 to develop the InfinityWEC wave energy converter.
Lykta is a technology-driven electricity retailer targeting the Swedish market that is focusing on 100% renewable energy.