A smarter way to use water. Without sacrificing efficiency, cleanliness, or a pleasant shower experience, we created a system with built-in purification and sensor technologies.
Heat Management’s primary customers include power and heat plants as well as pulp mills and marine companies. We provide advanced sootblowing optimization system and infrasound cleaning solutions.
Raymond has developed the state of the art solar roof – “Smart Solar Roof” and win the award Solenergipriset 2022 (best solar installation in Sweden) and Red Herring Global 100 (one of the 100 hottest tech company in the world).
Our innovative charging solution enables multiples EVs to share a centralized charging unit where only a charging socket is located at each parking bay. This enables discrete, power efficient and sustainable EV charging.
We redefine the concept of locally grown food – by developing cultivation systems for vertical and indoor cultivation in urban environments – we create opportunities for food production inside, or in direct connection to grocery stores.
Technology powered logistics company, leveraging machine learning and powerful proprietary research-based optimizations to provide convenient, reliable and flexible delivery services to businesses and consumers in urban areas.
X Shore creates high performance all-electric powered boats that are changing and charging the boat industry for a fossil free tomorrow.
Waybler offers a unique solution in electric car charging. We offer all steps in the chain, from our own Swedish-made charging box to our patent-pending, cloud-controlled load balancing as well as digital tools for administration and use.
We make emobility smarter and more accessible for everyone and want to solve the infrastructural energy challenges the world is facing by new AI-enhanced products services and business models.
Svea Solar is Sweden’s leading solar cell company, with the most installations and solutions for everything under the sun. We make the same high demands on manufacturers of solar panels, batteries and charging boxes as we do on ourselves.