PlantVation develop and deliver cultivation technology to the forestry industry. Our main product is a big scale, fully automated vertical cultivation system that pre-cultivates seedlings in a closed environment and provides year-round production.

Sally R provides a cloud-based service for commercial real estate, to achieve ESG goals. Optimized performance for your HVAC systems results in energy savings and improved air quality.

Onvo gives you a system without backwards compatibility issues. It is a package where safety, usability and high efficiency are guaranteed. Control equipment for real estate, green spaces and industry with safety, speed and quality in focus.

Tempiro offers an installation with smart fuses providing cloud control of electric heating hot water and other appliances.
This allows integration to grid owners reducing load when there is lack of power generation.

Cleantech as a Service. lowering the threshold for solar energy. Swede Solar builds, owns, finances and is responsible for all ongoing operations. The solar power plant is placed on the customer’s property or another suitable location

A food producing company aiming to bring ecological, economical and social value into the cities by growing sustainable food in or nearby the urban areas. Vertical farming is one way.

AssetBook is a powerful and secure platform that, with the help of AI and Machine-learning, anticipates your and your facility’s needs. You get the Internet of Things from a user perspective, so you can focus on what’s important to you.

Vakansa’s want to promote sustainable urban development where we meet people’s local needs, without the need for new construction. The most sustainable building is the one that never needs to be built.

SeaPattern is a start up working with a new ocean currents data analysis’ method based on physics informed AI in order to generate both a flow map showing the underwater currents in a region (in high detail) and also predictions of the same field.

We develop the next generation of biological factories – powered by fungal cells. With a scalable and customizable technology we shape new means of production for businesses that embrace sustainable transformation.