a food intelligence platform that independently and scientifically ensures remaining shelf, linked to the best before date, in the event of a temperature deviation in the cold chain.

IPercept Technology is a B2B, industrial software and services company specialized in remote and stand-alone solutions for maintenance and operational improvement of industrial machinery.

We develop two products for the lighting industry. A renewable wax from pine oil to replace fossil paraffin wax and a new material that can replace aluminium, plastic and glass in various applications.

BoMill develops and markets advanced sorting solutions to reduce waste and optimize the use and value of grains. Its patented technology allows accurate sorting, based on the internal properties of each individual kernel.

Clearwell Europe AB is a water purification company that believes we all have a stake in effective water stewardship – to use water in a more equitable, sustainable and beneficial way.

Lignoflow has developed a patent-pending technology for the processing of lignin to produce scalable bio-based materials for a sustainable future. Lignoflow Technologies AB is a spin-off company from Stockholm University.

Hyggligt revolutionizes forestry through cutting-edge continuous cover techniques. We help forest owners maximize carbon reduction, biodiversity and economical return through our optimization solution for continuous cover forestry.

Panter is a digital return system enabling and ensuring the rotation of reusable packaging. For the guests, it’s like a library. For the restaurant it’s packaging as a service, subscription-based. Compliance and climate impact guaranteed.

Our commitment is to empowering enterprises with renewable energy and increase the efficiency in energy consumption and -resources. We are seamlessly integrating advanced energy technology, overseeing all energy resources with unparalleled precision

By 2050 we will face an over 50% increase in food demand, this meanwile slimate change will severely impact agricultural productivity. OlsAro works with AI enabled climate adaption of crops – for a resilient agriculture and food security