Truckzter is a digital marketplace where transport buyers and carriers meet and settle freight transport by truck. Trucking 2.0: Fast, simple, efficient and with full transparency.

PURE ACT offers a simple process for strategic sustainability work. The process consists of workshops, access to our digital tool Acture and ongoing advice as needed. ‘

Homepal is a BI tool that enables your organization to easily follow up and share key figures without having to be an expert in data.

There is a huge potential in producing renewable energy from wasted heat sources in industry and energy production. ZIGRID now introduces a new solution with a simple objective: To regenerate electricity from temperatures currently wasted, 45-90°C.

XV Production enables resource efficient fashion and home textile manufacturing in Sweden. Through local manufacturing and reuse of materials, our customers are able to engage in a fully transparent in-house concept, which avoids overproduction.

We offer truly sustainable vehicles for cities, based on energy and resource efficiency, built locally, to maximize global EV adoption

“We believe in helping people lead the change. If you want to transition into the era of renewable energy then we are ready to help you take the first step on that journey.”

The carbon project development and finance platform for farmers, NGOs and carbon buyers. We support farmers to take care of the planet, and help business achieve their net zero goals with long term carbon forward contracts.

Airpelago provides the electric distribution industry with efficient end-to-end inspections of linear infrastructure. Our core service is to capture data and turn it into actionable data.

Our AI analyzes your images for varroa and sick fry and immediately gives you a result. A quick and easy way to understand infestation levels and take control of your hives.