The mission of Captimise is to “Cut the cost of CCS” which is possible since the team at Captimise has previously worked in different engineering companies supplying different technology concepts including Amines, Chilled Ammonia, HPC and Oxyfuel.

Ignitia began as a research project to understand the differences in tropical weather events and create a model to more accurately predict them. With an accuracy of 84%, our forecasts are more than twice as accurate as global producers.

Atium’s reusable filter technology enables selective removal of mercury from water, in a more effective and sustainable way than ever before.

Quandify develops an intelligent water meter system for residential property owners that enables sub-metering cost-efficiently. The company’s platform uses machine learning to break down water usage data.

SWATAB is Swedish company with a focus on a sustainable society. With the patented product DIRO, SWATAB can offer everyone an opportunity to wash and clean completely without chemicals.

Biocell Analytica offers methods to detect chemical contaminants in the environment, e.g. in drinking water, waste water, surface water, soil, sediment and food.

Havredals exists to create innovations that can contribute to a healthy planet with healthy people. We want to contribute by inventing sustainable food with Nordic crops and natural processes.

Innovating the future of agriculture with Artificial Intelligence (ANN). Intended for and used by – Maltsters, Mills, Seed & Grain Industry.

Vi har skapat ett molnbaserat energihanteringssystem som hjälper industrier att visualisera, spåra och spara energi i realtid. Vi vill att alla ska kunna energieffektivisera på ett enkelt sätt.

Gimic is one of Sweden’s leading companies in providing complete autonomous visual inspection solutions. Our inspection software performs image analysis with the power of AI according to our customers’ quality standards.