Reselo Rubber: the natural choice for sustainable products. At Reselo we develop novel biomaterials from abundant biomass feedstocks as alternative to fossil-derived rubbers and plastics.

Colabit develops and produces renewable fuels that can be used directly in conventional engines, regardless of whether they run on diesel, petrol or jet fuel. No conversion is required and they work in existing infrastructure.

Cloover is a green B2B2C fintech that allows customers to be able to lease renewable technologies. There are zero upfront costs for the customer, they start making real savings from day 1 and the subscription is completely flexible.

Sakofall Energi is an enabler of solar parks in Central Sweden with a focus on Västerbergslagen. We locate attractive land and make it ready for construction “RTB, ready-to-build”.

We permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Utilizing Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) technologies, we are able to capture carbon emissions from biomass, rather than from fossil fuels as is done with CCS.

The NoviOcean Wave Energy Converter use highly efficient and well-proven components and a strong and light-weight structure, ensuring full weather resilience and higher power density compared to other wave energy technology.

Arctic Space Technologies is revolutionizing the way we handle space data. CO2-emissions, long latency times and data bottlenecks are all threats to the commercialisation of the space business.

The RAPID ONE is a 3D-printer that enables the use of more sustainable materials with repeatable and fast results. Unique bio-based approach to material development without compromising on functionality.

Helios Innovations develops technology that aims to make one of the world’s most energy-intensive processes, evaporation, more energy efficient. The technology makes use of waste heat, which otherwise goes to waste, and vaporizes industrial liquids.

Our controlled microwave heating can be used in different industries. Currently our primary focus is on the manufacturing of carbon fiber composites, where homogeneous heating dramatically reduces the amount of cracks in the material.