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Airwatergreen AB is a Swedish air treatment company that offers energy-efficient dehumidification and air treatment in all climates.
We Don’t Have Time is the world’s largest social media for climate solutions, connecting everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. The platform brings together businesses, scientists, change makers and policy makers to create the solutions.
We do simulation, analytics and data that enables a green transition. We help banks help their customers to understand and take action to do energy efficiency actions to their homes.
Bintel digitizes and streamlines the waste industry. All the data that the sensors create is collected in our Cloud service, which means that our customers can analyze waste streams and thus get a better basis for working with business development.
The Biomass-fired TopCycle – the BTC – is a high-pressure and integrated plant to convert biomass to power. The process integrates some key principles to achieve the radically higher electrical efficiency of up to 55 %.
Modular wind power towers in laminated wood – enables higher wind turbines to fully utilize permits, harvesting more energy and reducing cost/produced kwh. In addition, dramatically reducing CO2 footprint.
Evolar is leading the evolution in solar by commercializing the next generation of photovoltaics by offering a solution that enables industrial-scale production of perovskite tandem solar cells.
Xenergic is developing energy efficient cache memory solutions. A technology intended to reduce electricity consumption by more than half in certain types of memory circuits, with the aim of prolonging battery life in connected products.
Smart High Tech is a company focusing on producing new heat-dissipating materials reinforced with graphene with a focus on cooling electronics, processors, graphics cards, LEDs, and other heat-sensitive and heat-intensive products.