Modular Cycling develops, builds and installs innovative low-carbon active mobility infrastructure solutions.
By replacing asphalt with wood, we provide a healthier product both for people and the earth.
We challenge the ventilation industry! We help property owners save energy with smart installations and sustainable solutions. With ENCY’s fans, you can save up to 45% on heating costs and up to 30% on your cooling costs.
Southern Lights provides SaaS solutions for green hydrogen and Power-to-X project development. We accelerate the penetration of green hydrogen allowing more projects to be done in a better way at a faster pace and at a lower cost. Tonnes of CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere, annually. We are resetting climate change using algae and biomasse, removing carbon from the atmosphere and binding it to the seabed.
INNOVENTUM has developed two hybrid systems that produce renewable energy from both sun and wind. The solar and wind power package is the hybrid system DALI PowerTower, and its other hybrid solution is GIRAFFE, which has won great prizes over the years.
Blue Biopower AB frigör molekylkraft och producerar hållbar elektricitet hos lantbrukare genom egenutvecklade mikrokraftverk. Överskottsel kan levereras ut på stamnätet och ger lantbrukaren en extra inkomstkälla.
Welcome to Bright Day Graphene – We offer green graphene for high-tech applications. Our graphene is made from renewable resources and has unique properties optimized for energy storage.
Small scale plants for liquid biogas. The solution is spelled CryoSep, container-based solutions to get you started with your own production of liquid biogas and carbon dioxide.
We close the textile cycles with the help of efficient upcycling to reduce your company’s footprint on the planet. You don’t have to have your own textiles to upcycle. Our basic products can be branded with your logo and your message!
A sustainable bio-based packaging solution to replace inner packaging plastics. Make the world a better place to live by reducing plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.