Qtagg develops and delivers an intelligent propulsion control system for large sea going vessels.
Using a machine learning algorithm the system calculates and controls the ship to arrive just in time at the lowest possible cost every voyage.

Viscandos vision is a highly intelligent traffic infrastructure which adapts dynamically to changes. In such an infrastructure, Viscando contributes with key technology for efficient traffic management and makes cities more safe and liveable.

Smart traffic sensors power smart cities. We provide real time AI traffic insights for all road users including vehicles and pedestrians.

Our purpose is to re-think efficiency in marine transportation to radically push the performance boundaries of electric boats and ships.

By developing products that enable the haulers to save money on reduced fuel consumption, we contribute to the transition to a more sustainable transport industry by using big data and advanced algorithms.

LaddaTillsammans har sitt säte i Helsingborg och hjälper bostadsrättsföreningar, fastighetsbolag och samfälligheter med elbilsladdning i hela landet.

Pallkonsulten are specialists in flow optimization and handling of load carriers, pallets and special packaging and we are driven by partnerships with a focus on ecological and financial sustainability.

The company shall conduct development and sales of computerized allocation systems over the network, primarily for transport and freight forwarding.

Plagazi’s business model is to design, develop and construct plasma gasification plants. We offer our customers a turnkey facility, including supply of raw materials, operational support and a source of income from hydrogen sales.

ScandiNAOS AB is a Swedish ship design company working with energy efficient and sustainable shipping. The goal is to contribute to the development of succesfull marine transport systems with minimum environmental and climate impact.