Panter is a digital return system enabling and ensuring the rotation of reusable packaging. For the guests, it’s like a library. For the restaurant it’s packaging as a service, subscription-based. Compliance and climate impact guaranteed.

By 2050 we will face an over 50% increase in food demand, this meanwile slimate change will severely impact agricultural productivity. OlsAro works with AI enabled climate adaption of crops – for a resilient agriculture and food security

Our product, Norrsken, enables consumers to contribute to a better whole that was previously unthinkable. With the Northern Lights in your home, you become an active part of the electricity grid.

Hollbium is a sustainable indoor farming solution that transforms any indoor wall into a thriving garden. Its closed-loop system is environmentally responsible and minimizes waste.

QLEANTAB makes every day products that do less harm, to us and our planet. We’ve started with provably eco-friendly, sustainbly made cleaning products for home and commercial use.

Nitrocapt electrifies the nitrogen fertilizer industry, the largest chemical industry on earth. In this way, we can make the process fossil-free, emission-free, locally produced, and especially much more energy efficient, and hence with lower production cost.

Circulaire is a premium second-hand discovery platform, where customers can browse and find their next gems from different online stores, all in one place.

We are building a platform for companies to be able to find competence, capacity and capital so that they can implement their climate projects today. We make sure they can buy climate projects as a service, with no upfront costs.

Our mission is to help businesses accelerate their net zero emission journey by empowering them with value chain collaboration software.

PlasticFri is a GreenTech company from Sweden with a breakthrough technology turning agricultural waste to eco-friendly products for replacing plastics.