Echandia supply heavy-duty energy storage where the need for durability, safety and power is top priority. All our systems are built for demanding applications and provide a safe, durable, and cost-efficient solution.

R-gate systems AB is a young innovative company that develops, manufactures, sells and assembles a unique air curtain for industry, distribution and stores for a secured cold chain.

The company develops new technologies to improve performance of spacecrafts, electric vehicles, battery packs and demanding electronics. The core technology also has other suitable applications, for later exploitation.

Elonroad is a charging infrastructure for all electric vehicles. It is both an electric road solution for charging while driving and an automatic park charger without cables. It works in cities, highways, parking spaces and taxi lines.

EpSpot’s platform is built for large-scale infrastructure management and offers a wide range of possibilities. Operational monitoring, use and alarms are handled easily and automatically.

The market platform for used electric mobility batteries. Connecting the battery ecosystem to ensure batteries are reused, repurposed and recycled.

We offer truly sustainable vehicles for cities, based on energy and resource efficiency, built locally, to maximize global EV adoption

At Mimbly, we aim to positively impact the health and fate of our planet by changing unsustainable behaviours. Our focus is to help businesses with larger scale laundry rooms, such as facility management and housing companies, to make these changes.

Celcibus AB is a company with strong expertise in materials for clean energy solutions. Our patented catalyst was developed to provide fuel cells with sustainable, high performance, noble-metal free power solutions.

Cellfion manufactures and commercializes bio-based membranes and ionomers for electrochemical devices i.e. Fuel cells and Redox Flow Batteries. Our material enables the technologies of tomorrow to become more sustainable, affordable and accessible.