Unimi makes the installation of EV chargers easy, affordable and future proof. We do this by a modular solution that fit all charger models. Our products are available in low carbon concrete and recycled plastics to minimize CO2 emissions.

Greenworks has a leading position as a supplier of integrated plant system and green walls on the Swedish market collaborating with the leading architects, property owners and construction companies.

Vakansa’s want to promote sustainable urban development where we meet people’s local needs, without the need for new construction. The most sustainable building is the one that never needs to be built.

SmartFront is a patented method for upgrading facades, ventilation and windows on existing properties. The installation provides significant energy savings and a healthy living environment.

Sensative provides smart infrastructure for launching, leveraging, and scaling massive IoT solutions. We help to radically improve services, boost efficiency, and scale business models.

SENS provides solutions that enable the transition to a fossil-free and CO2-neutral energy supply both locally and internationally. SENS develops, designs, builds and sells large-scale energy projects.

At ZeroWatt, our mission is to offer the best return on investment and that our customers always have the most financially advantageous option. Protect both nature and your budget with environmentally sustainable solutions.

Sinom is the smart planning tool for automated planning of maintenance and renovation towards energy and climate goals. We help you achieve these goals while saving you time and money with our automated planning tool

Offering over 80% carbon emissions savings by using recycled glass and sand instead of steel for the simple process of moving a building’s air

We optimize buildings by connecting them and suggest proactive actions in maintenance of HVAC, temperature, power and water. We help you identify peak power situations to lower the usage of power and thereby the power bill.