Nobon is a digital carbon project development service and financing platform that aims to disrupt the carbon project development value chain in order to increase the share of carbon credit investments that goes to actual project development.

Discover Jord’s innovative solution to remove and reuse CO₂ from the atmosphere using photosynthesis, a natural process that has sustained Earth for billions of years, now refined and accelerated.

We help companies on their journey to achieve zero emissions. We do this by offering emissions calculations, emission-reducing strategies, and high-quality climate credits. With us companies can take a holistic approach to their sustainability work.

A biomimetic solution to Carbon Capture. We are developing a novel enzyme, Carbonic Anhydrase, which acts as a biocatalyst to accelerate CO2 absorption and reduce energy consumption for post-combustion CCUS.

Worldfavor makes it easy for organizations to access and share ESG data. Our sustainability platform leverages the latest technology for businesses to gain insight and make sustainable decisions

Planboo offers a transparent and affordable way to remove your company’s CO2 emissions through the planting of bamboo. Reach Net Zero restore degraded land and empower communities in the Global South.

The mission of Captimise is to “Cut the cost of CCS” which is possible since the team at Captimise has previously worked in different engineering companies supplying different technology concepts including Amines, Chilled Ammonia, HPC and Oxyfuel.

ECOERA Millennium Carbon Removal is the worlds first biochar-only carbon removal platform and a result from research and innovation starting in 2009 as we begun our journey with Swedens first large-scale biochar application in West Sweden

Doconomy began in 2018 as an impact-tech start up investing in new measures to help tackle climate change. From the very start, we’ve been developing an ecosystem of financial tools to educate and drive positive change.

Removement is the Corporate SaaS platform for maximising carbon removal (CDR). The platform conveys education around carbon removal and how to reach net zero. It also visualises data about the market and then uses that data to create a CDR-strategy.