Material Exchange is transforming the way the fashion industry sources materials by building the best fashion sourcing team in the industry who, utilizing our software, helps brands make smarter, more sustainable choices in a fraction of the time.

Mounid is creating an algae ink for textiles, collaborating with textile companies to push the transition towards a more sustainable, circular textile industry with reduced climate footprint.

Patent-pending nanotechnology-based solution that allows smart adaptive size-fit function enabling changing the lateral dimension of textile products. This permits size adjustment upon stimuli and revolutionizes traditional production methods.

Graphmatech is a materials technology company that invents, develops and sells graphene-based materials. Aros Graphene® is a patented graphene hybrid material technology which has solved the long-standing agglomeration issue in graphene applications.

H2 Green Steel accelerates decarbonization of the European steel industry, one of the largest carbon dioxide emitters. The founder and largest shareholder is Vargas, which is also co-founder and one of the larger shareholders in Northvolt.

SweGaN develops custom-made epitaxial wafers with revolutionary technology. SweGaN’s unique Gallium-Nitride technology provides world-leading conductivity and thermal characteristics.

Swedish Neutrals power line protection system enables electrical utilities to provide reliable supply and safe power lines. The system is fast to prevent the deaths destruction and enormous release of CO2 that faults currently cause.

AssetBook is a powerful and secure platform that, with the help of AI and Machine-learning, anticipates your and your facility’s needs. You get the Internet of Things from a user perspective, so you can focus on what’s important to you.

Enersize delivers smart software, tools and services for energy optimization of industrial compressed air, resulting in reduced carbon footprint and production costs.

We grow plants with humidity. It’s called aeroponics and we do it super locally, intelligently – and with ambitious plans. With more taste, no soil and less water, we want to create a plant revolution worldwide.