We develop algorithms that help architects and developers to find sustainable and profitable building concepts. Thousands of design alternatives are generated and compared in our cloud based platform.

MIMSI Materials har developed a new class of energy saving, low-emissivity coated glass that optimizes energy-efficiency, while also allowing more visible light to enter the building than state-of-the-art silver-based coatings.

Years of research have resulted in a unique patent portfolio and ChromoGenics today produce dynamic glass with controllable heat and light penetration, world-class static glass and designed solar cell facades.

Our proven solutions enables energy optimisation in air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump systems which leads to 10-30% energy saving, while also contributing to increased plant reliability, reduced equipment wear and lower operating costs.

ConcretePrint’s business concept is to develop 3D printers for additive printing of concrete structures. The printers are designed to be mobile when it’s moved from each construction site to the next and can be used in a fixed installation.