Climate smart mobile ventilation with heating/cooling. Pure Generation AC can be adapted to deliver heat or cooling – or both combined. Measuring of temperature ensures desired cabin climate before departure.

Turn Energy is a Sweden-based Independent Power Producer (IPP) of solar PV parks founded by a group of dedicated people with the ambition to help realize the true potential of solar energy throughout the northern Europe market.

Enduce drives the transition to environmentally and climate-smart showers. Hot water heating is the single biggest consumer of energy after space heating, for both homes and hotels. Most of the hot tap water is used for showering.

Vi har skapat ett molnbaserat energihanteringssystem som hjälper industrier att visualisera, spåra och spara energi i realtid. Vi vill att alla ska kunna energieffektivisera på ett enkelt sätt.

Raymond has developed the state of the art solar roof – “Smart Solar Roof” and win the award Solenergipriset 2022 (best solar installation in Sweden) and Red Herring Global 100 (one of the 100 hottest tech company in the world).

Heat Management’s primary customers include power and heat plants as well as pulp mills and marine companies. We provide advanced sootblowing optimization system and infrasound cleaning solutions.

Cortus has developed a solution for replacing fossil fuels where it is most needed.A ground breaking approach of how to gasify biomass in a fully integrated process.

Elonroad is a charging infrastructure for all electric vehicles. It is both an electric road solution for charging while driving and an automatic park charger without cables. It works in cities, highways, parking spaces and taxi lines.

A solar hybrid is a smart concept solution for energy optimization. The concept consists of a cold solar panel connected to a geothermal heat pump. A solar hybrid produces both electricity and heat and gives a good return for many years to come.

SeaTwirl’s work with offshore floating wind. The unique floating wind turbine is simple and robust and has few moving parts. This suits the conditions at sea and minimizes the need for maintenance, leading to less downtime and more operating hours.