Metacon AB (publ) is an international energy technology company whose overall business idea is to commercialize small and large energy systems for the production of hydrogen, electricity and heat.

Meva Energy is the world’s leading provider of gasification technology for renewable energy production based on small fraction fuels. Our system enables power and heat providers to utilize biomass in a uniquely efficient and profitable way.

Midsummer is a Swedish solar energy company that installs solar roofs manufactured in Järfälla with a 90% lower carbon footprint than traditional solar panels. We own the entire value chain from development and production to installation.

Mimer Energy’s assist local communities and companies to construct small-scale micro utilities producing energy for heating and cooling. The energy used in the system are hybrids of solar, geothermal, wind & hydro.

Welcome to Bright Day Graphene – We offer green graphene for high-tech applications. Our graphene is made from renewable resources and has unique properties optimized for energy storage.

Luma has for several years led the development of solar cell installations for commercial properties in Sweden. We have also developed a leading digital tool for monitoring and managing solar cell systems

Absolicon help industries switch from fossil fuels through a profitable, flexible and emission-free energy solution with solar thermal resources. Collector Absolicon T160 can supply heat and steam to a wide range of processes and industry segments.

Blue Biopower AB frigör molekylkraft och producerar hållbar elektricitet hos lantbrukare genom egenutvecklade mikrokraftverk. Överskottsel kan levereras ut på stamnätet och ger lantbrukaren en extra inkomstkälla.

Epishine works with product development and marketing of the third generation of solar cells; organic solar cells. The unique qualities includes being semitransparent, light weighted and 100% organic resulting in a very low energy payback time.

Evolar is leading the evolution in solar by commercializing the next generation of photovoltaics by offering a solution that enables industrial-scale production of perovskite tandem solar cells.