Footly makes it extremely easy for you to sell and buy already produced items without any extra effort. With money as a driving force, we can quickly influence consumption in the right direction.

Their solution converts heavy, water based and chemical filled care products to luxurious natural and vegan powder based products, which reduces our dependency of single use plastics and transport emissions.

Bioextrax has developed a unique and GMO-free process which increases the conversion rate between sucrose and PHA, allowing for a significantly lower production cost for PHA.

&Repeat is a Swedish startup striving to make the world more circular. We believe there is a need for a different mindset and new capabilities in order to speed up the transformation towards a world where resources are treated as they ARE – Finite.

Atomler® connects organisations who have available recyclable plastic material with organisations who need such materials. Atomler® is your one stop shop for recyclable plastic materials and products.

With our solution, you no longer have to drive to the car wash, we come to you and wash your cars by hand. With Woshapp you save both time and money while doing the environment a favor.


Bright’s platform can handle different types of energy services. Everything from electricity trading, electricity networks and district heating to broadband, water & sewage, or why not waste management?

Sellpy lets users and sellers to consume second hand clothing, whereas the pieces unsold will be either reused or donated to charity.

Instead of buying new, you subscribe to Light as a Service. This means that you can adapt different lighting in the future – at no extra cost, and without having to be on the environment. No big investments. Only fixed price per month.