Our system streamlines transports within cities. It keeps track of what needs to go where and when. It optimizes and allocates driver missions. And it allows the fleet operator to combine one transport with another.

Technology powered logistics company, leveraging machine learning and powerful proprietary research-based optimizations to provide convenient, reliable and flexible delivery services to businesses and consumers in urban areas.

The platform, developed and provided by off2off, is a cloud-based communication service for circular resource management, which makes visible and matches users’ needs and existing underutilized products with each other.

With gimme shelter, we want to question housing as it has looked for a long time and draw what we believe reflects the society of our time and the needs people have now and in the future.

Bower’s vision is to make recycling a rewarding no-brainer and create a world free from trash. We’ve developed a world-unique mobile app that rewards recycling of all consumer packaging at regular recycling bins.

At Flow Below AB we use temperature sensors to map inflow and infiltration. A service in which the result is a map of the pipe network where the customer can see the main sources of supplemental water.

Simplex Motion develops integrated electric servo motors, engineered for high output torque, energy efficiency and precise control. Simplex Motion holds a patented technology for motor position feedback.

Velove provides a complete last mile delivery eco-system for e-commerce operators to switch from van to e-cargobike for small parcel delivery in urban areas, making deliveries more flexible, productive, city friendly and energy efficient.

We make emobility smarter and more accessible for everyone and want to solve the infrastructural energy challenges the world is facing by new AI-enhanced products services and business models.

A Swedish innovation company that provides low effort but high impact solutions for making life more sustainable for the many people. Revolutionary water saving device.