Millow has developed a unique, patented, sustainable production technology for mycelium/plant-based food which easily scales in production. Based on the research of Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh from the University of Borås.
We at Oaks work with property automation, (BMS, HVAC). Within Oaks, we quickly saw that there was a need for a system that, analyses, optimizes and in a clear way also presents this to, for example, the property owner. Therfore we developed Cornelia.
Modular wind power towers in laminated wood – enables higher wind turbines to fully utilize permits, harvesting more energy and reducing cost/produced kwh. In addition, dramatically reducing CO2 footprint.
Minesto is a marine energy technology developer, founded in 2007 as a spin-off from Swedish aerospace manufacturer Saab. Since then, Minesto has successfully developed its unique Deep Green technology.
Smart High Tech is a company focusing on producing new heat-dissipating materials reinforced with graphene with a focus on cooling electronics, processors, graphics cards, LEDs, and other heat-sensitive and heat-intensive products.
Meva Energy is the world’s leading provider of gasification technology for renewable energy production based on small fraction fuels. Our system enables power and heat providers to utilize biomass in a uniquely efficient and profitable way.
Small scale plants for liquid biogas. The solution is spelled CryoSep, container-based solutions to get you started with your own production of liquid biogas and carbon dioxide.
NSS Water has a new technology for producing nanopure water, a water free of smallest nano contamination. This water is used in semiconductor manufacturing.
We develop algorithms that help architects and developers to find sustainable and profitable building concepts. Thousands of design alternatives are generated and compared in our cloud based platform.