The purpose of Emulate Energy is to make renewable energy 100% accessible to the entire world. To do this the company has addressed the challenge of energy storage.

Avsalt develops a desalination system with the aim to offer the world’s most efficient, cost effective and low energy solution to a growing problem – the shortage of drinkable water .

We help farmers be more sustainable in their irrigation process. Our unique technology helps them save up to 50% of water while increasing crop production by up to 40% while helping them take data-driven decisions.

Xenergic is developing energy efficient cache memory solutions. A technology intended to reduce electricity consumption by more than half in certain types of memory circuits, with the aim of prolonging battery life in connected products.

Blue Biopower AB frigör molekylkraft och producerar hållbar elektricitet hos lantbrukare genom egenutvecklade mikrokraftverk. Överskottsel kan levereras ut på stamnätet och ger lantbrukaren en extra inkomstkälla.

Helios Innovations develops technology that aims to make one of the world’s most energy-intensive processes, evaporation, more energy efficient. The technology makes use of waste heat, which otherwise goes to waste, and vaporizes industrial liquids.