PURE ACT offers a simple process for strategic sustainability work. The process consists of workshops, access to our digital tool Acture and ongoing advice as needed. ‘

SustainLab is a Sustainability Management platform that automates the collection, processing and visualization of sustainability data. We give you better visibility into your data, so you can take better action.

Skrym is a headless solution for optimizing logistics with built-in emissions tracking. Skrym has developed a set of tools to help you take back control of your logistics. All functionality is available as standalone APIs, so you only pay for what you need.

Truckzter is a digital marketplace where transport buyers and carriers meet and settle freight transport by truck. Trucking 2.0: Fast, simple, efficient and with full transparency.

We make wet waste valuable by providing HTC OxyPower plants for converting sludge into useful biofuel using hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) and wet oxidation. Used by wastewater treatment plants and industries for sustainable sludge handling.

Trust Anchor Group provides a foundation for the smart society by connecting existing infrastructure within multiple domains to the latest technology and standards for internet of things and smart payments.

CAKE is a Swedish company with a clear mission to inspire towards a zero-emission society, by combining excitement and responsibility in its development of light, quiet, and clean high-performance electric motorcycles and mopeds.

Elonroad is a charging infrastructure for all electric vehicles. It is both an electric road solution for charging while driving and an automatic park charger without cables. It works in cities, highways, parking spaces and taxi lines.

There is a huge potential in producing renewable energy from wasted heat sources in industry and energy production. ZIGRID now introduces a new solution with a simple objective: To regenerate electricity from temperatures currently wasted, 45-90°C.

With Hygglo, you can both profit from renting out the things you don’t use every day and also rent things you need, when you need them.