Cellfion manufactures and commercializes bio-based membranes and ionomers for electrochemical devices i.e. Fuel cells and Redox Flow Batteries. Our material enables the technologies of tomorrow to become more sustainable, affordable and accessible.

Hexcion operates in several markets across the globe to develop offshore floating wind. Hexicon is an early-stage project developer, opening new markets in deep water areas, and a technology provider with a patented floating wind design – TwinWind™

GreenIron has a energy efficient, hydrogen based tech to produce metals from ore, waste, residuals and mine tailings with no emissions and water as residual. Since 2020 we have produced fossil free iron, nickel, copper, manganese and molybdenium.

We permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Utilizing Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) technologies, we are able to capture carbon emissions from biomass, rather than from fossil fuels as is done with CCS.

Geothermal energy utility company working with geothermal fields for electricity production, power heating, mining from brine water, production of green hydrogen and permanent CO2-storage.

Creturner is an environmental technology company that converts biomass into biochar, thereby reducing Co2 in the atmosphere. We are also working on technology development with the aim of breaking down carbon dioxide into solid carbon and oxygen gas. Tonnes of CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere, annually. We are resetting climate change using algae and biomasse, removing carbon from the atmosphere and binding it to the seabed.

Biofiber Tech exists to reduce the global carbon footprint by creating nature-based materials for decarbonisation of everyday products. We can to do so by offering our first product, FibraQ, an sustainably grown alternative to fossil based plastics.

Clean up your systems. We restore your plant to optimal performance and make it more reliable. Our method also increases the lifespan of your equipment.

Whether you work in the food, household care, chemical, cosmetics or medical sector, Flexpenser develops and provides an airless dispensing technology specifically developed for the liquids and semi-liquids that you manufacture.