We offer completely in-house developed and advanced AI tools for sustainable mobility. We help municipalities and the sustainable mobility sector understand real demand for transport and to onboard real time optimization in traffic operations in ord
Nitrocapt electrifies the nitrogen fertilizer industry, the largest chemical industry on earth. In this way, we can make the process fossil-free, emission-free, locally produced, and especially much more energy efficient, and hence with lower production cost.
We design and supply decentralised, nature-based wastewater treatment systems.
Fossil Free Marine develops mobile infrastructure solutions enabling pleasure boats and light commercial vessels to transition to renewable drop-in fuels, on a global level.
Drupps works with recycling of industrial evaporative wastewater with negative opex by utilizing steam’s own latent heat to increase water efficiency and drought resiliency.
Klara Byggsystem provides concrete free, prefabricated housing foundations. It is installed in 1 day, as safe and durable as a concrete slab but with 70 % less CO2-emissions.
Unimi makes the installation of EV chargers easy, affordable and future proof. We do this by a modular solution that fit all charger models. Our products are available in low carbon concrete and recycled plastics to minimize CO2 emissions.
We have developed an overall solution for the process of buying and installing EV chargers all around Sweden. We also handle the Grön Teknik subsidy which Swedish consumers can get from the government.
Envix is a Swedish consulting company having a broad expertise within soil, rock and water treatment. End of Waste is part of Envix vision and we transform costly waste in profitable product to contribute to the circular economy.
Sea Technology provides innovative designs improving the shipping industry. We have created a floating infrastructure revolution of Sea Trade, future-proofing the Blue Ocean Economy – through our Sea Tech Floating Terminals, The STFT.