The RAPID ONE is a 3D-printer that enables the use of more sustainable materials with repeatable and fast results. Unique bio-based approach to material development without compromising on functionality.

Smart High Tech is a company focusing on producing new heat-dissipating materials reinforced with graphene with a focus on cooling electronics, processors, graphics cards, LEDs, and other heat-sensitive and heat-intensive products.

Xenergic is developing energy efficient cache memory solutions. A technology intended to reduce electricity consumption by more than half in certain types of memory circuits, with the aim of prolonging battery life in connected products.

Absolicon help industries switch from fossil fuels through a profitable, flexible and emission-free energy solution with solar thermal resources. Collector Absolicon T160 can supply heat and steam to a wide range of processes and industry segments.

Blue Biopower AB frigör molekylkraft och producerar hållbar elektricitet hos lantbrukare genom egenutvecklade mikrokraftverk. Överskottsel kan levereras ut på stamnätet och ger lantbrukaren en extra inkomstkälla.

Epishine works with product development and marketing of the third generation of solar cells; organic solar cells. The unique qualities includes being semitransparent, light weighted and 100% organic resulting in a very low energy payback time.

Our controlled microwave heating can be used in different industries. Currently our primary focus is on the manufacturing of carbon fiber composites, where homogeneous heating dramatically reduces the amount of cracks in the material.

Our products and services offer solutions for improving energy efficiency, increasing safety for workers, and lowering energy consumption.

NSS Water has a new technology for producing nanopure water, a water free of smallest nano contamination. This water is used in semiconductor manufacturing.

Working to develop and commercialize a service for energy efficiency and temperature control in buildings by combining hardware, software, AI in the form of machine learning and approaches to create a service that delivers reduced heat consumption