INNOVENTUM has developed two hybrid systems that produce renewable energy from both sun and wind. The solar and wind power package is the hybrid system DALI PowerTower, and its other hybrid solution is GIRAFFE, which has won great prizes over the years.
Minesto is a marine energy technology developer, founded in 2007 as a spin-off from Swedish aerospace manufacturer Saab. Since then, Minesto has successfully developed its unique Deep Green technology.
Modular wind power towers in laminated wood – enables higher wind turbines to fully utilize permits, harvesting more energy and reducing cost/produced kwh. In addition, dramatically reducing CO2 footprint.
Climeon’s patented HeatPower technology converts low-temperature waste heat, which increases the availability of thermal energy and maximizes the applicability of our waste heat recovery systems.
Footly makes it extremely easy for you to sell and buy already produced items without any extra effort. With money as a driving force, we can quickly influence consumption in the right direction.
Bioextrax has developed a unique and GMO-free process which increases the conversion rate between sucrose and PHA, allowing for a significantly lower production cost for PHA.
A sustainable bio-based packaging solution to replace inner packaging plastics. Make the world a better place to live by reducing plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Optibinary offers a tailormade and smart cardboard solution for all your deliveries. The patented technology creates a more resource effecient e-commerce by optimizing the usage of both material and logistics
Our aim is to solve challenges in society: A resource efficient and sustainable process to enable a green pharmaceutical industry. Increase the use of natural flavor and fragrance and commercialise the patented process for sustainable biofuels.
Prebona® is a disruptive and smart material company. We work together with our customers towards a greener & cleaner world through atomic innovation.