Polonite is a filter material with a verified high ability to trap phosphorus. It is based on a natural mineral, opoka, which has historically been used e.g. to build houses.

Vividye now introduces a new textile print technology that actually makes the print removable without putting too much strain on the textile fiber – and therefore makes new use of the garment possible.

Awaio is The workplace app that helps companies to promote their offices and support work-life balance. Share office resources with members in your own branded workplace community.

Beleco lets companies subscribe to furniture for their workspaces fully flexible per month from more than 50+ well-known suppliers and equip their team anywhere. The suppliers own the products, Beleco rents them out, and then we share the profit.

Sustainable products designed for the little ones. Our products are Organic, GOTS, fair trade, eco-friendly, biodegradable, vegan or made from FSC wood and paper. Completely non-toxic.

Robotic lawnmovers working together.They work in our patented system, which does not require you to have electricity drawn. We have replaced strong current with batteries and fixed installations with flexibility.

ScandiNAOS AB is a Swedish ship design company working with energy efficient and sustainable shipping. The goal is to contribute to the development of succesfull marine transport systems with minimum environmental and climate impact.

The IT company Per & Per are specialists in the development of smart IT solutions for the forest industry. Every year fellings corresponding to over 20 million cubic meters of timber are contracted and planned using the systems we supply.

Recoma is uniquely scalable when it comes to reducing waste and emissions. Saving packaging waste and giving it new life by turning it into 100% recycled, 100% recyclable building materials

We challenge the ventilation industry! We help property owners save energy with smart installations and sustainable solutions. With ENCY’s fans, you can save up to 45% on heating costs and up to 30% on your cooling costs.